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Understanding Phobias: Symptoms, causes, treatments

Understanding Phobias: Symptoms, causes, treatments
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Understanding Phobias: Symptoms, causes, treatmentsUnderstanding Phobias: Symptoms, causes, treatmentsUnderstanding Phobias: Symptoms, causes, treatments
Our price: £6.99
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Fear of spiders, fear of water, panic attacks, social media anxiety, separation anxiety, fear of open spaces, fear of flying … phobias are anxiety disorders characterised by an overwhelming fear or dread of certain objects, animals, events or situations.

If you suffer from phobias, you will know that a phobia can cause severe disruption and restriction of normal life activities, and at its worst, intense misery and suffering. Many people suffer from phobias, but often go to great lengths to hide the existence of their fears and condition. Many do not seek treatment that would be helpful to them.

Understanding Phobias shows that a great deal can be done to relieve and help the person suffering from a phobia. This book goes into the many ways you can seek help if you are a sufferer – from self-help, alternative therapies to seeing a professional who will guide you. A very thorough book, Understanding Phobias advises you of symptoms, causes and treatments.

Trimmed Page Size: 193 x 124mm; Paperback; 224pp; Weight: 205gsm.

Author: Katherine Wright

About the Author:

Katherine Wright is a scientist and writer. She has medical training.

Click here to view the eBook.

ISBN: 9781855349384

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